To become enrolled in the MICJ basic polygraph examiner course, you need to download and mail (or fax:  410-987-4808) BOTH of these forms:

  • The MICJ Polygraph School Application: PDF

  • The MICJ School Enrollment Agreement: PDF

Note: For faster downloading and saving, right-click on the file link until a pop-up menu appears. Choose "Save This Link As..." or "Save Target As..." from the pop-up menu. A dialog box will appear. Choose where you would like the file saved, then click the "Save" button. You will need to locate and manually open your file because using the "Save Target As..." command does not automatically open a file

To find out more information as to how you can utilize MICJ polygraph services, or Accredited polygraph training contact the offices of MICJ at:

or by

Mail at:

MICJ, 8424 Veterans Highway,

Suite 3, Millersville,

Maryland 21108


Career Placement

MICJ does not guarantee employment but will assist graduates who seek employment. As an accredited polygraph school, job notices are received which are made available to interested graduates.  Polygraph careers are found in police departments, private detective or investigative units, or with security departments in general businesses.  Salary differs depending on experience and training and will range from about $20,000 - $28,000 per year to start.  Most polygraph jobs will require licensing, membership in the American Polygraph Association, graduated from an accredited polygraph school, or professional liability insurance. It is recommended that each potential student full explore employment areas prior to enrolling if not being sponsored by an agency.

Course Assistance After Graduation

MICJ recommends that each student submit their charts, test questions, and numerical analysis sheet for their first five (5) polygraph examinations for quality control review.  Students may submit more if desired by their home departments or if recommended by MICJ.  After graduation, MICJ will assist graduates at any time if questions arise about polygraph cases or matters. Graduates should advise MICJ of their professional memberships, promotions and accomplishments in their polygraph career.  There is no additional fee for this course assistance. 

School Facilities

The MICJ polygraph facility consists of over 1,000 square feet, and is located in a modern office building.  The polygraph school consists of a large main classroom and 10 private offices that are used for student practical exercises.  Instructional equipment includes traditional school items such as blackboards, audiovisual equipment and view graphs. Twelve analog polygraph instruments, and four computerized polygraphs are also available for student use, along with video recordings, monitors and observation rooms where students can view polygraph testing during the practical exercises.   The balance of the office area is used for administration and conducting a polygraph service business, since both the Director and Assistant Director are active polygraph examiners.  There is a separate break room, two bathrooms, and a library.

MICJ Library Facility

It is important that the professional reference materials are available to supplement basic polygraph instruction.  MICJ maintains an extensive Library with over 1,000 containing over 1,000 publications relating to the criminal justices system, law, evidence, security, corrections, psychology, physiology, pharmacology and polygraph.  In addition, extensive professional polygraph journals and publications are maintained.  MICJ has a collection of over 200 polygraph related videotapes that are available for student use, along with tv/vcr units that students are allowed to take out to view polygraph related materials. 


How to Contact MICJ

To obtain an application or to find out more about the MICJ Accredited polygraph training program, contact the institute by telephone, fax or email at:   

•Phone - (410)987-6665 
•FAX - (410)987-4808 
•E-Mail -

or by Mail at:


8424 Veterans Highway,

Suite 3,

Millersvile, Maryland 21108